As you can see, I've added a PayPal button. If you're reading this and you enjoy it, and you can afford it, feel free to donate whatever amount of money you can/will. We all know that money's tight these days. However, despite my constant level of "brokeitude," I am going to donate one dollar for every five that I make to Indy Great Pyrenees Rescue. Great Pyrenees are my favorite breed of dogs, and I believe in their mission. I'm a dog lover. Everyone who knows me knows that.
If you have children, if you don't have children, if you live alone or with your partner, you couldn't ask for a better dog than a Great Pyrenees. I grew up blessed enough and lucky enough to have had two of them in my life, Blizzard and Buck. They are noble, loving, protective of their family, dignified...the list goes on. Pyrenees are the only breed of dog I would trust around my children. My son Matthew is very excitable and loves dogs. The Pyrenees is the only breed I feel would be able to stand up to his fierce hugs and kisses and reciprocate. I cannot say enough good things about them.
Too many people see a Pyrenees puppy and adopt because they are cute little white balls of fur. They do not research the breed like they should. They are LARGE dogs. They bark. They shed. They are as stubborn as they are intelligent. And so, these marvelous canines get dumped, get abandoned, and end up in a "shelter" that euthanizes them.
Secondly, if you have a Google account, whether for Blogger, Gmail, or YouTube, and you're a regular reader, you can use Google Connect to follow my blog that way. Then it'll show up on your My Google page. Just a thought.
And if you're one of the "haters," well, I'm not gonna laugh in your face, because that wouldn't be mature. But.....
go ahead and kiss it, there's plenty there to go around.
Mad love,
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