It has recently come to my attention that one or two of my past blog entries have been somewhat, um, inflammatory. People have read them, perhaps recognized themselves in the words they saw on the screen, and got a little upset.
Honestly. In the first place, it's the internet. If you don't like it, click that little red "x" in the upper right-hand corner. It's that simple.
In the second place, let's think about this for a minute. Are you upset because maybe something hit a little close to home? That words, spoken in a general context, maybe meant something a little more personal than what you were comfortable with?
Cry me a river. Seriously. As far as I'm concerned, if I'm ranting about it, it's probably pretty despicable. I've got a very high tolerance for bullshit. I've worked with saints and sinners, people from every end of every possible spectrum of human behavior, creeds, colors, races, and nations. My sense of humor is as broad as my tastes in music.
I rant against hypocrisy, against racism, sexism, and homophobia. I rant against blatant bullshit in any form.
If you read something on here, there are a few actions you can take:
1: leave me a comment, I'll be more than happy to debate with you. Who knows, you might change my mind, as long as your words are thoughtful, your position is sound, and you're not clogging my space with impotent whining.
2: leave my site. I'll never notice you're gone. Promise.
3: stop and think about what you're doing. If something you've read here is something you recognize in yourself, and you're angry, is it possible that your conscience is trying to rail against your sheisty behavior? Is it possible you're not wanting to face the fact that you're doing something you're not proud of? That your behavior is such that you'd be angered or disgusted by it if someone else was doing it?
Everything I say on here I'll say directly to someone's face if it comes up. Or if I feel like picking a fight. I have my faults and virtues, and I own them all. They're mine, they're what make me me. I'm confrontational and aggressive at times, but I'm blunt and honest to a fault, and I use truth as a hammer, as one of the few weapons that are available to such as me.
So grow up or GTFO.
/end rant
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