Friday, June 18, 2010

Been a Minute

I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm truly sorry. Sometimes life just gets away from you.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to go see the doctor. (This may be TMI, but it's my blog, so oh well, lol.)

Since my C-section and tubal ligation, I've been having some period-related issues. I get really combative - more so than usual - for the week before. When it starts, the cramps are much more intense. It's like someone using a jagged piece of glass to cut through the surgery scar, slowly, over and over again, for four days. My left leg goes numb. My back aches where the epidural needle went in. My right hip throbs and sends pain shooting down through my leg into my toes. About the only thing that remains the same is the hormone-related migraine. Beyond the efforts of Midol or Pamprin. I can't take ibuprofen; when I was in eighth grade, I broke my elbow, the ER doctor prescribed me Motrin 800 (take one every four hours), and considering that in 8'th grade I was 4'10" and 100 lbs, you can understand the effect that had on my stomach. Ever since, I haven't been able to take ibuprofen without vomiting. Aleve and aspirin have the same effect.

I have PlanFirst through the state. That covers any birth-control medication (which I do not react well to at all - I tend to gain 30-40 lbs and have incredible mood swings), and a yearly exam. I'm overdue for the exam, so I'm thinking that after Jonah's had his surgery and recovered, I'll see about calling Dr. Wilder and scheduling an appointment - after I check to see exactly what's covered. I just want to know if this is normal following a cesarean, and if so, how long can I expect it to last.

In other news....

My new dress for the weddings came in the mail today. I'm in love. It's beautiful. It's purple and yellow, with a tattoo-style screenprint on the front and back. Spaghetti-strap, knee-length, lace trim. I'm in love.

I quit at the shop. The boss still owes me money from last September. I'd had enough. So now, I'm temporarily unemployed, and really hoping I can make a couple bucks off this blog while I file job apps around town. I put three in today. The one I'm really hoping for is cake decorating. It would be nice to add to my resume. And it looks fun. Plus it's a union job, and comes with benefits and a nice discount. To facilitate the interview process, I finally bid goodbye to my multicolored hair, and went with a nice blue-black. I'll post pictures later.

I have a few good rants saved up, but I'm turning them over in my head before I post them. Watch for them next week.

I'm truly looking forward to seeing my friends Mat and Betina, and my sister Jen and her fiance exchange vows next week.

Matthew's down in Flint till Sunday, having a visit with his Shamma. I miss him greatly, but I know he's having fun. Jonah seems to be enjoying having his parents all to himself too, but he keeps looking for Matthew and saying "bubba? bubba?" He bullies the hell out of Matthew, but he idolizes his big brother too. In turn, Matthew gets very upset if anyone but him bothers Jonah. He's told me I'm "bad mumma" when I put Jonah in timeout for biting, for example. I know they'll have some epic battles, but I hope the love remains.

That's all I've got for tonight.

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