First off, let me say that I was driven to write this because 1) you are impossible to get hold of via Facebook, email, text message, or phone, and 2) on the rare occasions I can get you on the phone, you talk over top of me when I try to explain something, rather similar to the way elephants trample over the grass. On here, I can have my say without interruption.
Let me say that I understand money is tight. Money is tight for everyone, hence a big part of my frustration with you. You owe me a substantial amount of money. My sympathies that you're having trouble covering your bills and affording energy drinks, but honestly, not only am I having trouble covering my bills, there are a few that are going unpaid period. Broke is a little harder to deal with when you have two children depending on you for everything, especially two children who don't understand the concept of "Mommy will get it when she gets back to work."
I understand that business is not back to the level that it was this time last year. But honestly, slow business or not, your communication sucks. The past four weeks you've told me "we're putting it off another week," but for me to even find out that much, I've had to repeatedly call you or even go downtown looking for you. Telling me to wait another week is one thing. Ignoring messages on your Facebook from me until I get desperate and track you down is just rude.
I honestly don't see how you can't see that this hurts. You know how I feel about the business. The amount of hours I put in on the move, without expecting any extra pay, should have told you that. You sit there and say we're besties, we're homies, like family, etc. That's all well and good, but it's getting harder to believe when you leave me in limbo like this. I tried calling you four times today. I didn't like snapping at you on Facebook chat, but honestly, what else am I supposed to do? I would have all the patience in the world if you'd just fucking communicate. As in, don't leave me hanging, don't leave me guessing and waiting and watching my phone and my Facebook and my email. That's not good business practice.
More importantly, it's not what friends do.
Am I supposed to be interpreting this as a sign of things to come. Is it going to be "just one more week" all summer too? Am I going to have to start trying to catch you at your other job just to find out if I still have one?
Honestly, I feel like you're dodging me and blowing me off. It hurts. I don't like it. I don't know what the hell I did to deserve it, but I think you owe me an explanation. Busy or not, it doesn't take that long to send a text or email that says "not this week." And I understand you not wanting to have extra keys floating around, but it wouldn't be that hard to make an extra one and then take it back when the other one gets returned. Hell, I'd even pay for it.
I know you'll probably never read this. And at this point, I'm not sure I care. All I want are some straight answers, and if you're trying to passive-aggressively lay me off (again), I'd like the money you owe me from last year. Call it severance pay if you will.
/end rant
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