Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 12 (music: Rancid)

Note: Sorry for the extended absence. I was having depression and rage issues. I'm back. <3

Day 12: Something I never get compliments on.

Okay, I've honestly been thinking about this for a week, and came up with nothing. So I posted the question to facebook, and I'll just post the replies here.

Dad: Your generous nature.

Allie:  You are who you are, and your comfortable with yourself, and not afraid to act like yourself. your real, not many people can say that about themselves.

Uncle Phil: You are Life loving,kind,pretty,determined,uncompromising when you believe something is right,generous,caring,giving,A Wonderful Momma,fair and true to yourself and others,and a defender of those that cannot fend off the wolves.xo


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