Monday, April 26, 2010

Just for Snicks

I thought I'd go ahead and post my job history here. Why? Because I'm bored, lol. It's as good a reason as any.

Catherine Sherman, July 1998
prep work for catering dinner for performing artists at Bliss Fest

Cross Village General Store, summer of 1999
deli help, ice cream, sorting returnables, end of night clean-up

Crow's Nest, summer of 1999
babysitting for owners

Petoskey News-Review, summer of 2000
stuffing ad fliers into the newspapers

Kelley Landscaping, one day, summer of 2000
planting trees

Dam Site Inn, Aprils through Octobers, 2000-2005
line cook, ended up working every position available

JC Penney's, winter 2000-2001
sales associate

Concord Academy Petoskey, September 2001-June 2002
paraprofessional, classrooms for grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and special-ed

City Park Grill, March 2006-August 2009
line cook, prep cook, dishwasher

Ill-Lusions, March 2009-now
sales queen

No, I didn't mess up on any dates, there were in fact a few times where I worked a full time job and a part time job, and a few times where I worked two full time jobs.

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